Galia Melon and Mint Infused Water

Prep: 10 mins Cook: 0 mins Difficulty: Easy Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
60 0g 0g 15g
sugars fibre protein salt
14g 1.5g 1g 0g

When the summertime hits, and we find ourselves dancing between the needs for cooler comforts and tastier delights, I often reach for my refreshing and invigorating Galia Melon and Mint Infused Water. A culmination of crisp melon undertones entwined with the natural aromatics of fresh mint; it’s a recipe that takes me right back to my childhood summers, playing on the lush green lawns of my grandparents’ home in Jersey.

Galia Melon and Mint Infused Water

A Twist on Traditions

While most people associate my style of cooking with the hearty Italian-American meals passed down from my grandparents, this infused water recipe offers a unique divergence. Borrowing elements from classic Italian agua fresca, it is a reminder that tradition isn’t always about replicating the recipes of old but in how we mold them to keep up with our contemporary needs and tastes.

Health in Every Sip

Featuring Galia melon and mint, this lightly sweetened drink is not only a delightful refreshment but also a gift to your health. Galia melon, often compared to the honeydew melon in taste and texture, boasts vitamin A and C, bolstering your immunity.According to Healthline, melons also hold a good amount of potassium, which contributes to improved heart health and blood pressure levels. Mint, on the other hand, as reported by Medical News Today, is known for its digestive benefits and natural stimulating properties, giving you that light and invigorating sensation with each sip.

Given its refreshing quality, this infused water goes exceptionally well with heavier or spicier meals, as it helps cleanse the palate. And if you’ve tried my spaghetti agli olio with a flurry of crushed red pepper flakes, you’d know exactly why this pairing works.

Every recipe tells a story. And the story of the Galia Melon and Mint Infused Water may not resonate with the Italian-American narrative I’m often associated with, but it undeniably adds a refreshing chapter to it. Slurping spaghetti one day, sipping on melon and mint goodness the other – as it turns out, food, like life, is gloriously unpredictable and beautifully diverse.

What You’ll Need

  • 1 Galia Melon
  • 2 sprigs of Fresh Mint
  • 8 cups of Water
  • Ice cubes
ALLERGENS: The recipe does not contain any known common allergens.


Step One

First, cut the Galia melon in half and remove the seeds. Once this is done, scoop out the flesh or cut it into cubes.

Step Two

Take the fresh mint sprigs and wash them under cold water to remove any dirt or impurities.

Step Three

Place the cubed Galia melon and the fresh mint sprigs into a large jug or pitcher.

Step Four

Next, pour the 8 cups of water into the pitcher, making sure the melon and mint are completely submerged.

Step Five

Add ice cubes to the pitcher to chill the mixture.

Step Six

Allow this mixture to infuse for at least two hours in the refrigerator before serving. This gives the flavors a chance to meld together in the water. You can also leave it overnight for a stronger flavor infusion.

Step Seven

Finally, stir your Galia Melon and Mint Infused Water gently before serving. Enjoy this refreshing drink on a hot day or as a healthy, flavorful alternative to plain water.

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