Jostaberry Sorbet

Prep: 15 mins Cook: 10 mins Difficulty: Easy Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
155 0.2g 0g 40g
sugars fibre protein salt
35g 3g 0.4g 0.01g

Every family gathering, every dinner party, every lazy Sunday afternoon; one can always find a touch of sweetness in the form of a cool, refreshing sorbet in my Miami home. I adore the Jostaberry Sorbet for several reasons, and can’t wait to ramble about why it has become my absolute go-to.

Jostaberry Sorbet

Flavors of my Heritage, With a Twist

My Cuban ethnicity, Spanish roots and Miami essence are always crowned in my food. This recipe of Jostaberry Sorbet is an elegant dance of those influences. Jostaberries, intriguing hybrid of black currant and gooseberry, bring a deliciously tart explosion reminiscent of a Cuban ‘guanabana’. The sorbet making process, on the other hand, channels my Spanish heritage, as sorbets are staples in Spain.

A Toast to Health

Beyond the myriad of flavors that entice the taste buds, this Jostaberry Sorbet is a nutritional powerhouse. Jostaberries pack on the antioxidants, helping to maintain healthy skin, lower cholesterol levels, and even fight cancer. The fresh lemon juice adds a bright kick of Vitamin C, invigorating the immune system. Plus, if you decide to add that optional tablespoon of vodka, you’ll be consuming a splash of health – moderate alcohol consumption is linked to a longer life span! You can check here for more on this.

Perfect Pairings

The vibrant Jostaberry Sorbet serves as a wonderful palate cleanser between tapas, my favorite Spanish bites. Imagine savoring a piece of patatas bravas or ceviche, then cleansing your palate with a spoonful of Jostaberry delight before moving on to the next tapa. It works blissfully with seafood dishes too. If you haven’t tried sorbet with lobster, check out this recipe. You’re in for a gastronomic revelation!

Whether served at a flamenco-filled family gathering, or simply scooped during a quiet afternoon tea, the Jostaberry Sorbet stays true to my essence; Just like a dance, it’s all about the rhythm between bold flavors and wholesome simplicity. My ultimate goal is giving you a taste of Miami’s melting pot, one scoop at a time.

What You’ll Need

  • 2 cups of jostaberries
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of vodka (optional)


Step One

Begin by combining 1 cup of sugar and 1 cup of water in a saucepan. Stir it over medium heat until the sugar is fully dissolved, creating a simple syrup. Remove from the heat and allow it to cool down completely.

Step Two

While waiting for your simple syrup to cool, take your 2 cups of jostaberries and blend them until they form a smooth puree. Once pureed, strain it through a sieve to remove any leftover seeds.

Step Three

When your simple syrup is sufficiently cooled, add in your freshly strained jostaberry puree. Mix it in well until it’s fully combined. Following this, stir in 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice.

Step Four

For those looking for an adult twist on this treat, now is the time to add in your optional 1 tablespoon of vodka. Remember, this step is entirely optional and should be skipped if serving to individuals under the legal drinking age.

Step Five

Once everything is well mixed, pop it into your ice cream maker and churn following your manufacturer’s instructions. If you do not have an ice cream maker, you can also pour the mixture into a deep dish and freeze it. Every 30 minutes, stir it well to make sure it’s freezing evenly.

Step Six

When it’s ready, serve up your lovely homemade Jostaberry Sorbet and enjoy this refreshing treat.

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