Kiwano and Cucumber Salad

Prep: 15 mins Cook: 0 mins Difficulty: Easy Serves: 6


kcal fat saturates carbs
92 7g 1g 11g
sugars fibre protein salt
8g 2g 2g 0.1g



Have you ever stumbled upon a dish that takes you on a journey with its unique blend of flavors and refreshing appeal? The Kiwano and Cucumber Salad is precisely that kind of dish for me. This salad doesn’t just nourish the body; it invigorates the soul with its vibrant, fresh ingredients. Each bite of this salad brings back memories of hot summer days in Montana, where the simplicity of natural ingredients reigns supreme.

This salad is an exploration of taste and texture, balancing the unique tartness of kiwano (horned melon) with the smooth, crisp freshness of cucumber. When I first tried kiwano, I was instantly captivated by its bold, citrusy flavor that pairs beautifully with so many other ingredients. Combined with the coolness of cucumbers and the sweet acidity of cherry tomatoes, this salad is a celebration of intricate flavors and simplicity. And let’s not forget the addition of fresh mint, which brings a burst of herbal coolness that ties the whole dish together.

Kiwano and Cucumber Salad

A Symphony of Health Benefits

The Kiwano and Cucumber Salad is not just a delight for the taste buds; it’s a powerhouse of nutrients. Kiwano is packed with antioxidants, vitamins A and C, and essential minerals like magnesium and potassium. These nutrients are fantastic for boosting your immune system, improving skin health, and maintaining proper hydration. Cucumbers, known for their high water content, help keep your body hydrated and are excellent for promoting digestion. Adding olive oil ensures you get your dose of healthy fats, which are crucial for heart health. This recipe isn’t just delicious– it’s a gift to your wellbeing.

The Culinary Experience

One of the greatest joys of cooking is discovering new ingredients and flavor combinations. The adventurous nature of this salad reminds me of the vibrant, culinary traditions across the world. It has a similar zest to Mediterranean dishes like Fattoush, and the use of fresh produce is reminiscent of a classic Greek salad. This dish also complements grilled meats wonderfully, especially venison steaks or chicken breasts, making it a versatile addition to any menu.

The beauty of this Kiwano and Cucumber Salad lies in its ability to be both a star on its own and a magnificent side dish. Whether you’re hosting a summer barbecue or setting up a light, refreshing lunch, this recipe is sure to win hearts with its originality and flavor.

So, next time you’re in search of a dish that surprises and delights, give this salad a try. It’s a wonderful way to step out of the mundane and embrace a culinary adventure. From its tangy, sweet notes to its crisp, refreshing crunch, this salad is, without a doubt, one of my all-time favorites.


What You’ll Need


  • 2 Kiwano (horned melon)
  • 2 large cucumbers
  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 1/4 cup red onion, thinly sliced
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh mint leaves
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • Salt and pepper to taste





Step One

Peel and seed the kiwano (horned melon). Cut the flesh into bite-sized pieces.

Step Two

Peel the cucumbers, remove the seeds, and cut them into bite-sized pieces.

Step Three

In a large salad bowl, combine the kiwano pieces, cucumber pieces, halved cherry tomatoes, and thinly sliced red onion.

Step Four

Add the chopped fresh mint leaves to the salad bowl.

Step Five

In a small bowl, whisk together the olive oil, lemon juice, honey, salt, and pepper until well combined.

Step Six

Pour the dressing over the salad and toss gently to combine.

Step Seven

Serve the salad immediately or refrigerate it for up to one hour before serving.

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