Loganberry Sorbet

Prep: 15 mins Cook: 20 mins Difficulty: Easy Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
180 0g 0g 46g
sugars fibre protein salt
42g 5g 1g 0g

There are countless ways to celebrate the vibrant, tangled mash-up that is New York City’s culinary scene, but it’s not often that I talk about a dish that captures the goodness of fresh, summer fruit quite like the Loganberry Sorbet. This refreshing dessert brings a burst of sweet-tart flavor, with a delicate balance that reminds me of some of the finest flavor combinations I’ve encountered in the city’s diverse dining ecosystem.

A scoop of loganberry sorbet garnished with fresh berries

A Celebration of Simplicity

The beauty of the Loganberry Sorbet lies in its sheer simplicity. Drawing on only a handful of ingredients, this is a dessert that lets the natural flavors shine. I love how you can almost taste the sunshine that ripened the loganberries, with a bright undercurrent from the squeeze of lime, and the sweet, floral finish of honey. And who can forget the granulated sugar that pulls it all together, like the buzzing city’s knack for unifying eclectic tastes. What’s more, it reminds me of the Black Raspberry Ice you find in old school Italian joints in the city – simple, flavorful, and oh-so refreshing.

A Great Partner for Rich Dishes

Just like certain Playhouse performances that seem to harmonize brilliantly with specific topical events, the Loganberry Sorbet, with its fruity and slightly tart profile, pairs perfectly with more decadent dishes. Consider serving it after a rich dinner, perhaps a sizzling New York style pizza or a robust burger. The Loganberry Sorbet provides the perfect palate cleanser, reintroducing a fresh and light taste – like a palate revival. It also brings to mind the delightful interplay of sweet and savory found in other dishes, such as the divine Baked Brie with Fig Jam found at some chic NYC bistros.

Nutritionally Rich and Wholesome

Another trifecta that I admire about Loganberry Sorbet is that it’s not just a treat for your taste buds – it’s also a bonus for your health. Loganberries are rich in Vitamin C and fiber, both crucial for a strong immune system and optimal digestion. Moreover, the natural sweetness of honey not only elevates this recipe but also brings along its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. You can view more about the health benefits of loganberries and honey here.

In conclusion, the Loganberry Sorbet’s versatility, wholesomeness and the delightful tanginess it adds to your menu make this one recipe you won’t want to overlook. Whether you’re a seasoned NYC cook or a newbie fascinated by the city’s vast cuisine, there’s a bit of the Big Apple’s charm in this sorbet for everyone to enjoy.

What You’ll Need

  • 1 cup of granulated sugar
  • 3/4 cup of water
  • 1 squeeze of lime juice
  • 2 cups of fresh loganberries
  • 1/2 cup of honey


Step One:

Begin by combining the granulated sugar and water in a medium saucepan. Set the stove to a medium heat and stir until the sugar is fully dissolved. Once done, remove the saucepan from the heat and set it aside to cool.

Step Two:

Take your fresh loganberries and wash them thoroughly. Then put the berries in a blender or food processor and blend until they’re pureed. It’s up to you if you want to sieve out the seeds or leave them in for an extra crunch.

Step Three:

Add the squeeze of lime juice and half a cup of honey into the loganberry puree. Blend these ingredients together until they are well mixed.

Step Four:

Combine the cooled sugar syrup with the loganberry, honey and lime mixture. Stir these ingredients together until they are fully combined.

Step Five:

Pour the mixture into an ice cream maker and churn according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If you don’t have an ice cream maker, you can add the mixture into a container and place it in the freezer. Remember to stir it every half an hour until it reaches your desired consistency.

Step Six:

The last step is to transfer your Loganberry Sorbet into a lidded container and let it freeze until firm. This can take around 4-5 hours.

Step Seven:

Finally, your Loganberry Sorbet is ready to be served! Scoop it out into bowls or ice cream cones and enjoy.

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