Macopa Marmalade

Prep: 20 mins Cook: 50 mins – 60 mins Difficulty: Moderate Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
260 0.4g 0g 65g
sugars fibre protein salt
59g 7g 1g 0.01g

Among the vast array of recipes I’ve come across, one that has struck a profound chord with me is the Macopa Marmalade. This astonishingly simple yet delightfully vibrant fruit-based recipe is much more than meets the eye. With its unique blend of sweet and tangy flavours, Macopa Marmalade is a treat you’ll never tire of creating or indulging in.

A Glimpse into the Unique

The magic of Macopa Marmalade lies in its elemental simplicity and the symphony of flavors it conjures. Just a handful of ingredients including ripe Macopa fruit and granulated sugar, teamed with a splash of fresh lemon juice, a bit of orange zest, and a dash of pure vanilla extract, can render a truly delightful result. It shares a kinship with many types of preserves I’ve encountered on my travels in Japan, though always with its own unique twist. Its flavor pairs particularly well with classic Japanese-style breakfast toast, but can also find a welcome place on any adventurous American brunch table.

All About Macopa

While it might not be as globally familiar as apples or oranges, the Macopa fruit has an irresistible draw of its own. Popular in the Philippines, this bell-shaped fruit has a unique sweetness that pairs beautifully with the thick, syrupy texture of marmalade. Not only that, but Macopa is rich in Vitamin C, aiding in immunity and maintaining a clear, glowing complexion. It’s always a win when delicious and healthy can intersect so delectably.

One might compare its texture and taste to that of a crispy pear. However, upon cooking it down with sugar and lemon, the Macopa takes on a jammy consistency and a fragrant, almost floral aroma, making it ideal as a marmalade star. The orange zest adds a touch of bitterness, bringing a balancing contrast to the Macopa’s sweetness, and the vanilla rounds everything out with a comforting aroma. Read more about the benefits of Vitamin C here.

Versatility at Its Best

There’s something truly rewarding about witnessing how such simple ingredients can come together to form a beautifully balanced condiment. And its versatility is a true bonus. Macopa Marmalade works wonders on a slice of warm, toasted sourdough bread or paired with soft, creamy cheeses. It also makes an impressive addition to Asian-inspired marinades for fish or chicken dishes. Learn more about marmalade and its uses here.

Every time I make a fresh batch of Macopa Marmalade, I am reminded of both the lush green expanses of the Pacific Northwest where I grew up, as well as the equally inspiring countryside of Japan, my second home. This simple recipe is a testament to the interconnectedness of global cuisine, while also proving that sometimes, the simplest ingredients yield the most satisfying results. Happy cooking!

What You’ll Need

  • 2 lbs of ripe Macopa fruit
  • 2 cups of granulated sugar
  • 1 lemon, juiced
  • 1 cup of water
  • Zest of 1 orange
  • 1/2 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract


Step One

Start by washing the Macopa fruit thoroughly. After washing, cut the fruit into small pieces, making sure to remove the seeds.

Step Two

Place the chopped Macopa in a large pot. Add the water and bring it to a boil. Reduce the heat, cover the pot and let it simmer for 30-40 minutes until the fruit becomes soft and mushy.

Step Three

Use a potato masher to mash the fruit until it’s broken down. If you prefer a smoother marmalade, you can use a blender to puree the fruit then return it to the pot.

Step Four

Add the granulated sugar into the pot, followed by the lemon juice. Stir until the sugar is fully dissolved.

Step Five

Turn the heat up to medium and let the mixture boil steadily but not rapidly for about 15-20 minutes. Stir occasionally to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pot.

Step Six

After the marmalade mixture has thickened, add in the orange zest and vanilla extract. Continue cooking for another 2-3 minutes to blend in the flavors.

Step Seven

Once the marmalade has reached your desired consistency, remove from heat and let it cool. Transfer the marmalade to sterilized jars and seal tightly.

Step Eight

Store your Macopa Marmalade in a cool or refrigerated place. You can enjoy it on breads, pastries or as a sweetener for drinks.

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