Orange Sorbet

Prep: 15 mins Cook: 2-4 hours (freezing time) Difficulty: Easy Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
160 0g 0g 41g
sugars fibre protein salt
37g 0.3g 1g 0.01g

Born and raised in the heartland of Nebraska, my cuisine has always been informed by the wholesome, down-to-earth goodness of Midwestern comfort food. Yet even amidst the hearty corn casseroles and beef stews, a bright and zingy delight like my Orange Sorbet finds a special place.

Orange Sorbet

As a testament to simplicity and freshness, the Orange Sorbet signifies my love for farm-to-table ingredients. All of its elements, from the freshly squeezed citrus juices to the tiniest speck of grated zest, embody the essence of authenticity that I hold so dear. And though this recipe may not carry the familiar heft of my Midwestern staples, it brings with it a light, refreshing appeal to the senses that is truly incomparable.

Health Benefits of Orange Sorbet

One of the reasons why I cherish this recipe is for the health benefits it delivers. Oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C and are rich in dietary fiber as well. They promote overall wellbeing, boost the immune system and contribute to heart health. Similarly, the inclusion of lemon juice further enhances its vitamin C content, and adds a tangy freshness to the flavor profile. Not to mention, this desserts light, fruity nature makes it an absolutely guilt-free indulgence!

A Deliciously Versatile Treat

What makes the Orange Sorbet truly special is its versatility. It’s a perfect palate cleanser between meals, a refreshing dessert after a hefty dinner, or just a cool quencher on a hot summer day. If you have ever enjoyed a Grapefruit Granita or a Lemon Ice, you’d find a similar tangy and refreshing quality in this Orange Sorbet.

Furthermore, it pairs incredibly well with a wide array of dishes and cuisines. Try serving it alongside a spicy Thai chicken dish for a unique sweet and spicy combination, or after a hearty barbecue meal to cleanse the palate and refresh the senses. The possibilities are wonderfully endless!

All in all, the Orange Sorbet is a testament to my love for simple, fresh ingredients and time-tested, crowd-pleasing recipes. It’s a delightful little deviation from my Midwestern cooking journey – a sweet, tangy, and sun-kissed ode to the joy of culinary experimentation.

What You’ll Need

  • 2 cups of fresh orange juice
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice
  • 1 cup of white sugar
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 tablespoon of grated orange zest
ALLERGENS: The recipe does not contain any known common allergens.


Step One

Start by juicing the oranges until you have 2 cups of fresh orange juice. Also, grate the orange to get 1 tablespoon of zest. Finally, squeeze enough fresh lemons to make 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.

Step Two

In a saucepan, combine the white sugar and water. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring continuously, until the sugar completely dissolves. Let the simple syrup cool for about 10 to 15 minutes.

Step Three

In a large bowl, combine the fresh orange juice, lemon juice, cooled sugar syrup, and orange zest. Stir well to combine all the ingredients.

Step Four

Transfer the mix into an ice cream maker. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to freeze the sorbet until it reaches the desired consistency. If you don’t have an ice cream maker, you can pour the mixture into a shallow dish and freeze it. Every 30 minutes for about 4 hours, use a fork to break up and stir the mixture to create a smooth, sorbet-like texture.

Step Five

Once the sorbet is ready, you can serve it immediately, or store it in a covered container in the freezer until ready to serve. Enjoy your homemade orange sorbet as a refreshing treat on a hot day!

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