Pomelo Marmalade

Prep: 30 mins Cook: 1 hr – 1 hr 15 mins Difficulty: Moderate Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
147 0.1g 0g 38g
sugars fibre protein salt
36g 1g 1g 0.17g

Pomelo Marmalade

Ever since I was a child growing up in Texas, I’ve had a deep love for fruit-based preserves. One that holds a special place in my heart is Pomelo Marmalade. There’s something incredibly inviting about the balance of flavors – sweet, tangy, and just a hint of bitterness.

A Taste of Tradition with a Modern Twist

Of course, Pomelo Marmalade isn’t just any condiment. It merges the zest of citrus with the comfort of a homemade spread, something I often enjoyed at family gatherings. I particularly love how this recipe incorporates a Southern twist by adding a subtle hint of salt and lemon juice, giving it a complexity that elevates any dish.

Health Benefits Galore

Pomelos are known for their rich vitamin C content, which is beneficial for boosting immunity. Additionally, they contain antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation and promote heart health. The lemon juice adds an extra punch of vitamin C, and a pinch of salt just ties all the flavors together without overwhelming the palate. This marmalade can be a delightful way to enjoy the health benefits of citrus fruits.

One of the reasons I adore this recipe is its versatility. It reminds me of the many mornings I’ve spread it over a warm, buttery biscuit, echoing the soft, sunny mornings back home. While Pomelo Marmalade is somewhat similar to traditional orange marmalade, its unique flavor makes it a great companion to a variety of dishes.

I have found that this marmalade works wonderfully with savory dishes too. For instance, try it as a glaze on roasted chicken, or mix it into a dipping sauce for grilled shrimp. It’s also a delightful addition to a cheese board, complementing both sharp and soft cheeses with its citrusy zest.

If you’re looking to explore more fruit-based preserves, there are many other fascinating options out there. For example, you might enjoy experimenting with pineapple chutney or even fig jam, each bringing their own distinct flavors to the table. For further culinary inspiration, you can check out recipes on [BBC Good Food](https://www.bbcgoodfood.com) and [AllRecipes](https://www.allrecipes.com).

Enjoying Pomelo Marmalade not only satisfies my taste buds but also connects me to my roots and the vibrant flavors I grew up with. I hope this recipe enriches your meals as much as it does mine.

What You’ll Need

  • 2 large pomelos
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 pinch of salt


Step One

Peel the pomelos, removing both the outer skin and the white pith. Separate the fruit into segments and remove the membranes and seeds. Chop the fruit into small pieces.

Step Two

Place the chopped pomelo pieces into a large pot. Add 2 cups of sugar, 1 cup of water, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, and a pinch of salt. Stir the mixture well to combine all the ingredients.

Step Three

Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally to ensure the sugar dissolves completely. Once boiling, reduce the heat to low and let it simmer.

Step Four

Simmer the mixture for about 45 minutes to an hour, stirring occasionally, until it thickens and reaches the desired consistency of marmalade.

Step Five

To test the consistency, place a small amount of the marmalade on a cold plate. If it gels and wrinkles when pushed with a finger, it’s ready. If it’s not ready, continue simmering and test again after every 10 minutes.

Step Six

Once the marmalade is ready, remove it from the heat and let it cool slightly. Carefully transfer the hot marmalade into sterilized jars, leaving some space at the top. Seal the jars tightly.

Step Seven

Allow the jars to cool completely at room temperature before storing them in a cool, dark place. The pomelo marmalade is now ready to enjoy!

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