Redcurrant and Raspberry Jam


Prep: 10 mins Cook: 30 mins Difficulty: Easy Serves: 6


kcal fat saturates carbs
357 0.2g 0g 92g
sugars fibre protein salt
91g 3g 1g 0g


There’s something uniquely satisfying about making your own homemade preserves, and the Redcurrant and Raspberry Jam is one of my absolute favorites. The marriage of tart redcurrants and sweet raspberries creates a vibrant and tantalizing flavor that takes me back to my Texas roots, where we cherish the art of combining intense flavors. As a teacher, I’ve always found that crafting something with my hands at the end of a busy day brings a sense of calm and accomplishment. This jam recipe not only becomes a therapeutic activity but also offers a delicious reward!

Redcurrant and Raspberry Jam

A Symphony of Seasonal Flavors

The Redcurrant and Raspberry Jam is a wonderful celebration of seasonal fruits. Redcurrants bring a zesty zing, perfectly complemented by the sweetness of ripe raspberries. The jam isn’t just a treat for your taste buds but also packs a punch with antioxidants and vitamin C, especially from the redcurrants. This recipe is reminiscent of traditional Southern preserves with a hint of modern elegance, which is precisely how I like to create my dishes.

One aspect that makes this jam stand out is its versatility. Spread it on warm, buttered toast in the morning for a comforting start to your day, or pair it with cheese and crackers for an exquisite appetizer. It’s even fantastic as a filling for cakes and pastries, bringing an extra layer of flavor to your baked goods. This jam can also be compared to other berry preserves, like strawberry or blackberry jam, but with a unique tangy twist that sets it apart.

Simple Ingredients, Exquisite Results

What I love most about this Redcurrant and Raspberry Jam is its simplicity. With just a handful of ingredients—the freshest redcurrants and raspberries, granulated sugar, and a splash of lemon juice—you can create something genuinely exquisite. The natural pectin in the fruit, especially from the redcurrants, helps the jam set perfectly without any need for artificial additives. Plus, the lemon juice adds not just flavor but also an extra boost of vitamin C, making this not just a treat but somewhat of a healthful indulgence.

If you’re new to jam-making, don’t be intimidated. This recipe is straightforward and a fantastic starting point. For a little extra guidance and inspiration, check out some jam-making tips from seasoned experts. And if you’re curious about expanding your homemade jam repertoire, you might also enjoy exploring recipes like Blueberry Jam or Strawberry Jam.

So, grab your ingredients and let’s get jamming! Each spoonful of this delightful Redcurrant and Raspberry Jam will transport you to a realm of rich, vibrant flavors, and it’s bound to become a cherished staple in your kitchen.


What You’ll Need


  • 4 cups fresh redcurrants
  • 2 cups fresh raspberries
  • 5 cups granulated sugar
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice





Step One

Rinse the redcurrants and raspberries under cold water and drain thoroughly.

Step Two

Place the redcurrants, raspberries, and lemon juice into a large, heavy-bottomed pot.

Step Three

Using a potato masher or the back of a large spoon, crush the fruit gently to release their juices.

Step Four

Add the granulated sugar to the pot and stir to combine with the fruit mixture.

Step Five

Allow the mixture to sit for about 10-15 minutes. This helps the sugar to dissolve.

Step Six

Bring the mixture to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring constantly to prevent sticking.

Step Seven

Once boiling, reduce heat to medium and continue to cook, stirring frequently, until the mixture reaches the desired gel stage. This may take about 15-20 minutes.

Step Eight

To test for the gel stage, place a small amount of the jam on a chilled plate and allow it to cool for a minute. Push the edge of the jam with your finger; if it wrinkles and doesn’t flow back, it’s set.

Step Nine

Once the jam has reached the desired consistency, remove it from the heat.

Step Ten

Carefully ladle the hot jam into sterilized jars, leaving about 1/4 inch of headspace at the top.

Step Eleven

Wipe the rims of the jars with a clean, damp cloth to ensure a good seal. Place the lids on the jars and screw on the bands until fingertip tight.

Step Twelve

Process the jars in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes to ensure proper sealing.

Step Thirteen

Carefully remove the jars from the water bath and let them cool completely on a towel or cooling rack.

Step Fourteen

Once cooled, check the seals by pressing down on the center of each lid. If it doesn’t pop back, the jar is sealed. Store the sealed jars in a cool, dark place. If a jar didn’t seal, refrigerate and use it within a month.

Step Fifteen

Enjoy your homemade redcurrant and raspberry jam on toast, scones, or as a delightful addition to your favorite desserts.

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