Salal Berry Pancake Syrup

Prep: 15 mins Cook: 30 mins Difficulty: Easy Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
140 0g 0g 36g
sugars fibre protein salt
35g 1g 0g 0g

Immensely rich and delightfully sweet, the Salal Berry Pancake Syrup recipe holds a special place in my culinary journey. Although trending toward the classic American breakfast scene, this recipe embraces the fruitiness and bold flavors that I adore from my own Nigerian-parent influence. It’s like a drizzly, sweet hug on your morning pancakes, transporting you to spaces where the Southern warmth of Atlanta and the exotic punch of African flavors beautifully collide.

Salal Berry Pancake Syrup

The Sweet Serendipity of Berries

The star of this syrup – the Salal berries, have an engagingly tart profile. They leave this pleasant wild, earthy note on your palate, making them perfect for a sophisticated pancake syrup. Much like the blueberry syrup, a favorite of the south, the Salal berry syrup brings a similar yet uniquely compelling taste sensation. If you’re a fan of blueberry syrup, this recipe is definitely on your line to explore.

Creating Afro-Southern Fusion with Pancakes

As a passionate proponent of Afro-Southern fusion, I find the Salal Berry Pancake Syrup works magic with the hearty water yam pancakes, a popular recipe from Nigeria. Trust me, the delightful counterplay of sweet, ripe Salal berries, and the unique, earthy tones of water yam pancakes, make for one splendid breakfast combination that would surely catch you off-guard in the most delightful way possible.

Moreover, this recipe is more than just a taste journey – it has a beautiful story to tell. As a lawyer by trade, I can most certainly confirm that everyone, even the busiest bees amongst us, have the time to stir up a batch of this syrup. It’s a testament to quick, delicious gourmet cooking without the need for professional culinary training.

Healthy, Delicious and Versatile

What makes me love this recipe even more is its wonderful health contribution. Salal berries are packed with nutrients – they’ve got vitamin C, a natural antioxidant that helps repair your body’s tissues and aids in iron absorption; and dietary fiber, which promotes good digestive health. So, not only do you get to tickle your taste buds, but also enrich your body with essential nutrition.

And mind you, this syrup isn’t destined solely for pancakes. Drizzle it on a brioche French toast, blend it in a revitalizing smoothie, or even use it as a glaze for your roasted meats. The potential is endless, instilling your dishes with a fresh, fruity tang that’s just too irresistible!

So go ahead, grab those fresh Salal berries, and invite them into your kitchen’s fold. Here’s hoping that you too find love for this recipe, much like I did, blurring the lines between geography, cuisines, and cultures, one splash of Salal Berry Pancake Syrup at a time.

What You’ll Need

  • 3 cups fresh Salal berries
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup white granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1/2 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup


Step One

Start by rinsing the fresh Salal berries thoroughly under cool running water. Once cleaned, sort through the berries and discard any that are overly ripe or damaged.

Step Two

In a large saucepan, combine the cleaned berries and water. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium-high heat. Once boiling, reduce the heat and allow it to simmer for about 15-20 minutes, or until the berries are soft and mushy.

Step Three

Puree the berry mixture using a blender or a hand-held immersion blender. The goal is to break down the berries as much as possible to extract their flavor.

Step Four

Strain the pureed mixture through a fine sieve or a cheesecloth to remove the seeds and any remaining solid parts. Push down on the solids with a spoon to extract as much juice as possible, and then discard the solids.

Step Five

Put the strained puree back into the saucepan and stir in the white granulated sugar, lemon juice, and vanilla extract. Bring the mixture to a simmer over low heat and cook for about 10-15 minutes, stirring continuously until the sugar is completely dissolved and the syrup is slightly thickened.

Step Six

Finally, stir in the maple syrup and continue to cook the syrup for another 2-3 minutes. Once the syrup reaches your desired consistency, remove it from heat and let it cool.

Step Seven

Store the cooled syrup in a clean, air-tight container in the refrigerator. Use it to top pancakes, waffles, desserts, or anything else you’d like to sweeten with a touch of Salal berry flavor.

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