Stuffed Dates with Goat Cheese

Prep: 15 mins Cook: 15 mins Difficulty: Easy Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
185 8.5g 4.8g 27g
sugars fibre protein salt
23g 3g 5.3g 0.1g

I’m Emily, your beloved Southern belle from Charleston, South Carolina, and I’m here today to share with you one of my absolute sweet obsessions: Stuffed Dates with Goat Cheese. This tantalizing fruit-based recipe, with its lush blend of sweet and savory flavors, is a culinary nod to my food traditions, infused with a dash of contemporary sophistication.

Stuffed Dates with Goat Cheese

The Art of Combining Flavors

What makes this Stuffed Dates with Goat Cheese recipe so incredibly delightful is the sublime marriage of textures and tastes. Think sweet, chewy dates filled with creamy goat cheese, drizzled with a touch of honey, and topped off with crunchy pecans — pure decadence! This unique combination mirrors my approach to cooking that thrives on the unexpected pairings of classic Southern ingredients with exotic flavors from around the world.

Health Benefits and Pairing Ideas

Not only is this dish delicious, but it can also be a vital part of a healthy diet. Dates are renowned for their significant fiber content which aids digestion, whilegoat cheese is a great source of protein and essential minerals like calcium. With a sprinkle of antioxidant-richpecans on top, you’re serving up a nutritious treat that’s truly hard to resist.

Although these stuffed dates are perfect as standalone appetizers or dessert, they also make a heavenly companion to a bright arugula salad or roasted salmon with berry and avocado salad. Their unique flavor profile complements both the peppery bitterness of arugula and the rich umami taste of salmon, creating an elevated dining experience.

Every time I bite into a Stuffed Date with Goat Cheese, I am transported to a world where the languid charm of the South marries the jubilant thrills of the surf. Just like catching a wave on Charleston’s coast or enjoying an indie flick on a lazy Sunday afternoon, this sumptuous recipe captures an part of my passions. So, go ahead and give it a try – I am pretty sure you’ll love it as much as I do!

What You’ll Need

  • 24 large Medjool dates
  • 6 oz goat cheese
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1/2 cup chopped pecans
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1/2 cup fresh basil leaves (optional for garnish)
ALLERGENS: goat cheese, honey, pecans


Step One

Start by preheating your oven to 350°F (180°C). While the oven is heating, line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Step Two

Next, proceed to prepare the dates. Cut a long slit in each date from top to bottom, making sure not to cut through the other side. Carefully remove the pits from the dates.

Step Three

Take your goat cheese and stuff each date with about a teaspoon of the cheese, making sure it’s packed well into the slit of the date. Then set each stuffed date, cut side up, onto your prepared baking sheet.

Step Four

Once all the dates are stuffed, drizzle them generously with the honey. Following this, sprinkle each date with the chopped pecans, making sure to press slightly so they stick to the honey. Season generoulsy with salt and pepper.

Step Five

Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake for about 10-15 minutes, or until the cheese is soft and slightly golden, and the dates are warm and slightly caramelised from the honey.

Step Six

Remove the dates from the oven and let them cool slightly. If using, garnish with fresh basil leaves before serving warm or at room temperature. The stuffed dates are best served immediately, but can be kept refrigerated in an airtight container for up to 3 days. Enjoy this sweet and savory treat!

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