Summer Melon Smoothie

Prep: 15 mins Cook: 0 mins Difficulty: Easy Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
120 1g 0g 28g
sugars fibre protein salt
24g 1g 5g 0.1g

One of my favorite creations is the Summer Melon Smoothie, an oasis of refreshing bliss during the scorching summer months. They say, the meal is not over yet when you are full, but only when you are satisfied. Well, folks, this smoothie is satisfaction in a glass. Its freshness, balanced with a natural sweetness, is a testament to the unwavering beauty of simple ingredients. It’s a far cry from the hearty Italian-American dishes I was brought up on in New Jersey, but it’s a welcome palate cleanser, especially on those melting summer days.

The Healthy Tidbit

Not only is this drink delicious, but it’s also brimming with health benefits. Each sip of this Summer Melon Smoothie is loaded with high amounts of Vitamins A and C, coming from watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew. Vitamin A is great for your eyes while Vitamin C boosts your immune system. And I even dare say, the sweetness from the honey offers bookloads of potential health benefits like antioxidants and antimicrobial properties.

What’s more, the plain yogurt blended in the mix provides a kick of much-needed calcium and probiotics that support a healthy gut. Lastly, how about that color? They say you should eat the rainbow to ensure a balanced diet, and this smoothie certainly paints a colorful palette.

Summer Melon Smoothie

Complementing the Meal well

This smoothie pairs well with almost everything! With its light and refreshing qualities, it complements a hearty breakfast such as a simple avocado toast or a full English breakfast. It can even stand alone as a mid-afternoon snack, offering a boost of energy with the natural sugars from the fruits.

If you are looking for something similar but a little more ‘adult,’ you can swap the strawberry juice for a splash of rosé. This could be a ‘hit’ during a summer barbecue party. For more smoothie inspiration, why not check out these smoothie recipes from Bon Appétit.

Ultimately, the Summer Melon Smoothie is a celebration of summer’s bounty, blending together the season’s freshest fruits. It’s a recipe that brings me immense joy to share, and I hope it brings you the same joy and refreshment when you make it yourself.

What You’ll Need

  • 4 cups of watermelon chunks, seedless
  • 2 cups of cantaloupe chunks
  • 2 cups of honeydew melon chunks
  • 2 cups of plain yogurt
  • 1 cup of strawberry juice
  • 1/4 cup of honey
  • 12 ice cubes
  • Mint leaves for garnish (optional)


Step One

Prepare all the fruits needed for the recipe. This includes seedless watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew melons. Slice them into chunks until you have 4 cups of watermelon, 2 cups of cantaloupe and 2 cups of honeydew.

Step Two

Place the watermelon chunks into a blender. Blend until you’ve got a smooth puree. Pour the watermelon puree into a bowl and set aside.

Step Three

Repeat the same process with the cantaloupe and honeydew chunks. By the end, each type of fruit should be separately blended and set aside.

Step Four

Add 2 cups of plain yogurt to each of the fruit purees. Also add 1/3 of the strawberry juice, and a spoonful of honey into each bowl. Stir until the ingredients are evenly mixed together.

Step Five

Return each fruit and yogurt mixture to the blender. Add in 4 ice cubes to each mixture and blend until smooth. You should have three different melon smoothies. You can enjoy each one separately or combine them for a triple melon treat.

Step Six

Pour the smoothies into glasses and garnish with mint leaves if desired. This refreshing and healthy smoothie is perfect for a hot summer day. Enjoy!

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