Tamarillo and Ginger Smoothie

Prep: 15 mins Cook: 0 mins Difficulty: Easy Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
175 1g 0.3g 42g
sugars fibre protein salt
28g 6g 2g 0.15g

There’s always something wonderful yet tremendously comforting when we stumble upon a recipe that not only brings us immense pleasure, but also infuses our lives with a sense of nourishing goodness. Our Tamarillo and Ginger Smoothie is such a recipe, a vibrant symphony of flavors that’s both heartwarming and health-boosting.

As a grandfather, my appreciation for recipes that are intriguing to young palates and beneficial for older bodies has grown exponentially. The Tamarillo and Ginger Smoothie is especially dear to my heart due to its ability to infuse my infatuation for traditional Italian cooking, while incorporating the benefits of fruit and ginger for vision, heart health, and digestion – backed by the National Institutes of Health.

A Smoothie Rooted in Tradition

Though an Italian-American culinary enthusiast, my recipes don’t bind themselves solely to the realm of pasta or meatballs. Instead, they wander, exploring the vast world of global flavors. This particular smoothie, with its refreshing tamarillos and invigorating ginger notes, brings me closer to my ancestral roots while also reminding me of my responsible role as a culinary curator to present recipes that look beyond the traditional.

Moreover, this smoothie recipe has a connectivity to the Italian Coppa dell’Amicizia, a coffee delicacy known for its social significance, similar to sharing this healthful smoothie with loved ones. Besides, its pulsating color and rich texture make it an incredible accompaniment for an Italian-American breakfast spread replete with Egg Boscaiolo or even a light Buttermilk Panna Cotta for a sumptuous brunch.

Health is Delicious

Cooking, to me, is about forging an undying bond with well-being without compromising on taste. This philosophy shines through in the Tamarillo and Ginger Smoothie recipe. The inclusion of almond milk – known for its bone-strengthening properties – and ginger – famed for its anti-inflammatory benefits, makes this a delectable “happiness-promoting” magic potion.

Additionally, just as my trekking adventures require energy, vitality, and resilience, this smoothie recipe offers just that, with the right balance of fiber and natural sweeteners that ensure that you’re not just feeding your body, but, in fact, energizing your soul.

As the Tamarillo and Ginger Smoothie comes together, it symbolizes my journey and philosophy – a blend of tradition, innovation, and well-being. It’s a testament that food is more than sustenance; it’s a form of love, a nourishment for the soul, a heartening experience waiting to be savored.

What You’ll Need

  • 6 ripe tamarillos
  • 4 tablespoons of freshly grated ginger
  • 1 cup of orange juice
  • 2 cups of almond milk
  • 3 tablespoons of honey
  • 2 bananas
  • 6 ice cubes
ALLERGENS: tree nuts (almond)


Step One

Start by preparing your tamarillos. Cut off the tops and blanch the tamarillos in boiling water for a few minutes, then peel off the skins, getting rid of any tough bits. Once that’s done, slice the fruit into manageable pieces and place them in the blender.

Step Two

Next, peel the bananas and slice them into chunks. Add the banana pieces to the blender with the tamarillos.

Step Three

Then, it’s time to add in your aromatics. Grate fresh ginger until you have roughly 4 tablespoons. Add the ginger into the blender with the fruits.

Step Four

Now, pour in the orange juice, almond milk, and drizzle in the honey on top of the other ingredients. The honey will help to give a natural sweetness to your smoothie, which can be adjusted to your liking.

Step Five

With all the ingredients in your blender, it’s time to blend everything together. Blend until the mixture is smooth, ensuring that the ginger and tamarillo are fully incorporated into the smoothie. Add a little bit more almond milk if you find the smoothie’s consistency too thick.

Step Six

Finally, add in the ice cubes and blitz in the blender again for a few seconds to crush them up and chill your smoothie, ready for serving.

Step Seven

Pour your Tamarillo and Ginger Smoothie into glasses and serve immediately. Enjoy this refreshing, fruit-filled drink at any time of the day for a healthy and delicious boost of energy!

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