Wormwood Chicken: A poultry dish that uses Wormwood in a citrus-based marinade.

Prep: 15 mins Cook: 25 mins Difficulty: Easy Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
250 12g 2g 8g
sugars fibre protein salt
6g 1g 28g 0.8g

When I first stumbled upon the concept of Wormwood Chicken: A poultry dish that uses Wormwood in a citrus-based marinade, I was both intrigued and a bit skeptical. With its distinctive blend of flavors derived from fresh orange juice, lemon juice, and the unique touch of wormwood leaves, this dish has become a staple in my home. Living in Miami, I am surrounded by a vibrant fusion of Caribbean flavors and Spanish classics, and this recipe manages to bridge the gap beautifully.

Wormwood Chicken: A poultry dish that uses Wormwood in a citrus-based marinade

A Dance of Flavors in Every Bite

Perhaps what I love most about cooking is the discovery of new and exciting ingredients that take your palate on an unexpected journey. The wormwood in this recipe adds an intriguing herbal bitterness that is perfectly balanced by the sweet and tangy citrus marinade. It’s so different from typical chicken recipes like lemon garlic chicken or even jerk chicken, which makes it a delight for those looking to try something new.

Health Benefits Wrapped in Deliciousness

What adds to my love for this recipe is its health benefits. Chicken breasts are a lean source of protein, making them ideal for those aiming to maintain a healthy diet. Each ingredient in the marinade has its perks too. For instance, citrus juices are rich in Vitamin C, which boosts immune function, while olive oil provides heart-healthy fats. Even wormwood, often used in small quantities due to its potent flavor, offers digestive benefits and has been studied for its antioxidant properties (source).

If you’re a fan of Mediterranean flavors, you might find that this dish pairs delightfully well with a side of Mediterranean quinoa salad or even a simple cucumber and tomato salad. Additionally, the mild heat from the red pepper flakes can be adjusted to preference, making it versatile for different palates.

Ultimately, Wormwood Chicken: A poultry dish that uses Wormwood in a citrus-based marinade is more than just a recipe; it’s an experience. It encapsulates the joy of exploring new flavors and the satisfaction of knowing you’re serving something both delicious and nutritious. Give it a try, and let your taste buds dance!

What You’ll Need

  • 6 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • 1/4 cup fresh wormwood leaves, finely chopped
  • 1/2 cup fresh orange juice
  • 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon fresh thyme, chopped
  • 1 teaspoon fresh rosemary, chopped
  • 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional)
  • Zest of 1 orange
ALLERGENS: Soy, citrus (orange and lemon), honey, garlic.


Step One

In a large mixing bowl, combine the orange juice, lemon juice, olive oil, honey, minced garlic, soy sauce, salt, black pepper, chopped thyme, chopped rosemary, red pepper flakes (if using), and orange zest. Whisk the ingredients together until well combined.

Step Two

Finely chop the fresh wormwood leaves and add them to the marinade mixture. Stir to evenly distribute the wormwood throughout the marinade.

Step Three

Place the chicken breasts in a large resealable plastic bag or a shallow dish. Pour the marinade over the chicken, making sure all pieces are well coated. Seal the bag or cover the dish and refrigerate for at least 2 hours, allowing the flavors to meld. For best results, marinate the chicken overnight.

Step Four

Preheat your grill to medium-high heat. Remove the chicken from the marinade, allowing any excess to drip off. Discard the remaining marinade.

Step Five

Grill the chicken breasts for 6-8 minutes per side, or until fully cooked and the internal temperature reaches 165°F (75°C). The chicken should have a nice char and be no longer pink in the center.

Step Six

Remove the chicken from the grill and let it rest for about 5 minutes. This will help to retain the juices and ensure a tender, flavorful dish.

Step Seven

Serve the Wormwood Chicken hot, garnished with additional fresh herbs if desired. Enjoy this unique and aromatic poultry dish with your favorite side dishes.

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