Yuzu Cheesecake

Prep: 25 mins Cook: 60 mins Difficulty: Medium Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
410 30g 18g 32g
sugars fibre protein salt
22g 0.5g 7g 0.4g

Today, I’d like to share with you a recipe that may not traditionally hail from my rich Italian-American heritage, but it’s a beloved favorite in my family nonetheless: the Yuzu Cheesecake. This tantalizing dessert, profoundly influenced by the Asian culinary art, is not only a symphony of flavors but also a treasure trove of essential nutrients.

Yuzu Cheesecake

A Blend of Bold Flavors

What sets the Yuzu Cheesecake apart is the eponymous yuzu, a citrus fruit native to East Asia. The yuzu’s robust and complex flavor – a blend of tart, sour, and tangy notes – is a sensory delight. Paired with the silky creaminess of cream cheese and the sweet, crumbly base created from graham cracker crumbs, this recipe is a delightful exploration of contrasting tastes and textures. It reminds me of the way my Italian grandparents would combine different, sometimes unexpected ingredients to create something magical in the kitchen.

An Homage to Health

Apart from stirring your taste buds, the Yuzu Cheesecake packs a healthful punch. The star ingredient, yuzu, is brimming with vitamin C, which is an essential immune booster. Cream cheese, too, endows this recipe with calcium, protein, and beneficial fats, contributing to bone health and sustained energy. Mindfully enjoyed, this cheesecake can indeed be a part of your balanced diet.

While I might be mostly associated with spaghetti and meatballs, my culinary journey has never been limited to a single cuisine. Exploring new tastes and cultures is something I relish. The Yuzu Cheesecake is one such exploration—an adventure I’d like to share with you.

Perfect Complements

While the Yuzu Cheesecake is a standalone showstopper, it pairs perfectly with a multitude of dishes when aiming for a full course meal. I often serve this after a hearty Italian lasagna, the zesty and creamy flavors complementing the savory tomato and melted cheese. Its refreshing taste also makes it a perfect pairing with a steaming cup of herbal green tea for those cozy evenings.

Whether it’s a family celebration or a quiet evening with a loved one, the Yuzu Cheesecake never fails to impress. It’s a recipe that I adore not merely for its irresistible taste, but also for the warmth and joy it brings to every occasion.

What You’ll Need

  • 1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
  • 1/4 cup unsalted butter, melted
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 tablespoons yuzu zest
  • 16 oz cream cheese, softened
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons yuzu juice
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1/4 cup powdered sugar
ALLERGENS: gluten, dairy, eggs


Step One

Preheat your oven to 325°F (163°C). In a medium bowl, combine the graham cracker crumbs, melted butter, and a 1/4 cup of sugar. Stir until the mixture is well combined and resembles a wet sand consistency.

Step Two

Press the graham cracker mixture into the bottom of a 9-inch springform pan, using the bottom of a glass or measuring cup to pack the crumbs tightly. Bake the crust in the preheated oven for about 10 minutes until it is slightly golden. After baking, remove it from the oven and set aside.

Step Three

In a large mixing bowl, combine the cream cheese and granulated sugar. Beat with an electric mixer until the mixture is smooth and creamy. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition.

Step Four

Stir in the yuzu zest, yuzu juice, and pure vanilla extract. Beat the mixture until it is well combined. Ensure you scrape down the sides of the bowl to incorporate all ingredients.

Step Five

Pour the cream cheese mixture over the pre-baked crust, smoothing the top with a spatula. Bake the cheesecake in the preheated oven for about 50-60 minutes. The cheesecake is done when the edges are set and the center is slightly jiggly.

Step Six

Once the cheesecake is cooked, turn off the oven and leave the cheesecake inside with the door ajar for about an hour. This allows the cheesecake to cool gradually, preventing cracks.

Step Seven

After an hour, remove the cheesecake from the oven and let it cool completely at room temperature. Once cooled, refrigerate the cheesecake for at least 4 hours, or overnight.

Step Eight

Before serving, whisk together the sour cream and powdered sugar until smooth. Spread this mixture over the top of the chilled cheesecake. Dazzle the Yuzu Cheesecake with extra yuzu zest and serve. Enjoy!

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