Yuzu Marmalade

Prep: 30 mins Cook: 2 hours Difficulty: Medium Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
150 0g 0g 39g
sugars fibre protein salt
38g 1g 0g 0g

As the Miami sun caresses the palm-fringed shorelines, my kitchen is teeming with an air of vibrant anticipation. Among my array of exotic ingredients, the ‘yuzu‘ rules supreme. This East-Asian citrus marvel has found a special place in my heart and in my fruit-based creation – the Yuzu Marmalade. Drawing from my Cuban roots and Spanish flair, this recipe exudes a sweet-sour charisma intertwining with the rhythm of my Cuban music and the flair of my Spanish tapas.

Yuzu Marmalade

A Celebration of Flavors

An indelible part of the joy of concocting this marmalade is its orchestration of flavors. The yuzu brings forward a tantalizing blend of tangy citrus, somewhat reminiscent of a fragrant grapefruit with overtones of mandarin. This unique composition is a celebration of citrus, made richer by the sweetness of sugar and the textural twist added by pectin. There is no easy counterpart to this marmalade in the Caribbean or Spanish cuisine, yet it pairs beautifully with the rich, assertive flavors found in charcuterie platters and artisan bread.

Health and Cheer in a Jar

Fruits are the powerhouse of nutrition, and yuzu is no exception. This golden globule packs a punch when it comes to Vitamin C, and antioxidants, that are instrumental in strengthening the immune system, and keeping diseases at bay. The sugar, although a calorific partner, is essential for the body’s energy needs, while pectin aids in digestion. So, every spoonful of Yuzu Marmalade is not just a blast of flavors, but also a step towards a healthier lifestyle.

The appeal of the Yuzu Marmalade stretches beyond my kitchen in Miami. Its dulcet-citrus melody is a dance across cultures, a bridge between my past and present, and an ode to my passion for wholesome, flavorsome food. Whether I’m spreading it on a warm piece of crusty bread or blending it into my tropical cocktails, this recipe never fails to remind me of the beautiful synergy between my heritage and culinary adventures. When I savor this delightful marmalade, I’m not just tasting a beautifully sweet and tangy spread; I’m relishing the dance of my history – a history I am proud to flavor my dishes with.

What You’ll Need

  • 3 Yuzu fruits
  • 2 cups of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of pectin
  • 1 cup of water


Step One

Begin by washing the 3 Yuzu fruits. Cut them into half and squeeze out the juice using a juicer or a citrus squeezer. Take note to reserve the seeds because they will be used later.

Step Two

Take the squeezed yuzu halves and place them in a bowl of water. Now you need to put this bowl in the microwave for about 10 minutes. This will help soften the skin. Once done, take them out and let them cool.

Step Three

Now, take the cooled yuzu halves and remove the pith from inside, be careful to keep the peel intact. Once you have removed the pith, finely slice the peel into thin shreds.

Step Four

Take the reserved seeds you kept from the beginning and place them in a cooking pot along with the shredded yuzu peel. Add 1 cup of water and bring it to a boil. Let it simmer for about 15 minutes. This step helps to extracts the natural pectin from the seeds and skin.

Step Five

After simmering, you can remove the seeds. Add the yuzu juice you squeezed in the beginning along with the 2 cups of sugar and 1 tablespoon of pectin. Stir well until the sugar is dissolved.

Step Six

Now let it simmer again for about 30 minutes or until you get a matching consistency. Remember to stir occasionally to prevent it from sticking to the bottom.

Step Seven

After 30 minutes or when you get the perfect consistency, turn off the heat. Let your Yuzu marmalade cool before transferring it to a jar for storage.

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