Rui Machher Paturi

Prep: 15 mins Cook: 20 mins Difficulty: Moderate Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
250 17g 4g 4g
sugars fibre protein salt
1g 1g 22g 0.3g

Why I Love Bangladeshi Rui Machher Paturi

There’s something profoundly delightful about discovering the unique flavors of a dish from halfway across the globe, and the Rui Machher Paturi, a traditional Bangladeshi recipe, is a prime example of this culinary excitement. Growing up in Montana, my roots are steeped in rustic dishes like bison burgers and venison steaks. However, I’ve always harbored a curiosity for flavors that challenge my culinary boundaries, and this particular recipe does just that.

Rui Machher Paturi

The Allure of Mustard Oil and Coconut

Mustard oil has a pungent, almost peppery aroma and flavor, which is nothing short of mesmerizing. Coupled with the sweetness of grated coconut, this recipe brings together contrasting tastes that dance beautifully on the palate. When I first tasted Rui Machher Paturi, I was instantly drawn to the harmony between the piquancy of mustard and the creaminess of coconut. It’s a reminder that culinary artistry often lies in the balance of diverse elements.

A Tradition Wrapped in Banana Leaves

Banana leaves, used for wrapping the Rui fish in this recipe, lend a subtle earthy aroma that complements the spices enveloping the fish. This method of cooking also ensures that the fish remains moist and tender, absorbing the flavors of turmeric, green chilies, and mustard paste efficiently. It’s not unlike the Native American method of using birch bark or corn husks to cook fish, a practice that has always fascinated me for its simplicity and effectiveness.

Influences like Chef Asma Khan, who brings South Asian traditional recipes to the forefront, have inspired me to try my hand at such dishes. For those interested in similar techniques, the Indian Patra or the Indonesian Otak-Otak are great places to start. Both dishes use leaves as a cooking vessel, infusing the food with natural and vibrant flavors.

This recipe pairs excellently with simply steamed rice or a fresh cucumber salad to balance the richness of the fish. The freshness of the banana leaves, combined with fragrant, spicy paste, makes each bite an experience to remember. Embarking on this culinary adventure has not only broadened my flavor palette but also continues to enrich my love for global cuisine.

What You’ll Need


  • 6 pieces (about 2 pounds) of Rui fish (Rohu fish) fillets
  • 4 tablespoons mustard oil
  • 1/2 cup mustard paste
  • 1/2 cup grated coconut
  • 2 green chilies, chopped
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • Salt to taste
  • Banana leaves for wrapping
  • Kitchen twine or toothpicks (for securing banana leaves)
  • Additional green chilies for garnish (optional)


ALLERGENS: Fish, Mustard


Step One

Rinse the Rui fish fillets under cold water and pat them dry with paper towels. Ensure there is no excess moisture on the fish fillets.

Step Two

In a mixing bowl, combine the mustard paste, grated coconut, chopped green chilies, turmeric powder, and salt. Mix well to create a uniform marinade.

Step Three

Coat each fish fillet with the prepared mustard-coconut marinade. Make sure the fillets are thoroughly coated with the marinade on both sides.

Step Four

Place the marinated fish fillets on a large plate and drizzle the mustard oil over them. Let the fish marinate for at least 30 minutes to allow the flavors to penetrate.

Step Five

Lightly heat the banana leaves over an open flame or in a large pan for a few seconds to make them more pliable. Be careful not to burn them.

Step Six

Cut the banana leaves into pieces large enough to wrap each fish fillet individually. Place a marinated fish fillet in the center of a banana leaf piece.

Step Seven

Fold the edges of the banana leaf to create a secure parcel around the fish fillet. Use kitchen twine or toothpicks to secure the banana leaf parcel.

Step Eight

Repeat the wrapping process for the remaining fish fillets. Arrange the wrapped fish parcels in a steamer or a large pan with a tight-fitting lid.

Step Nine

Steam the fish parcels over medium heat for about 20-25 minutes, or until the fish is cooked through and flakes easily with a fork.

Step Ten

Remove the fish parcels from the steamer and carefully unwrap the banana leaves. Garnish with additional green chilies if desired. Serve hot with steamed rice.

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