Ajwain Biscuits: Savory biscuits with a powerful ajwain flavor

Prep: 15 mins Cook: 10 mins – 12 mins Difficulty: Easy Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
150 9g 5g 15g
sugars fibre protein salt
1g 1g 3g 0.3g

Ajwain Biscuits: Savory biscuits with a powerful ajwain flavor

The recipe for Ajwain Biscuits: Savory biscuits with a powerful ajwain flavor has truly taken a special place in my heart and my kitchen. As someone who grew up savoring the harmonious balance of health-conscious and comforting flavors in California, this recipe embodies everything I cherish about food. These savory biscuits are more than just an appetizer or a side dish; they are a delightful exploration of aromatic ajwain seeds intertwined with classic biscuit texture.

A Fusion of Flavors

Ajwain seeds, also known as carom seeds, are often used in Indian cuisine for their strong, thyme-like flavor. When combined with the buttery, flaky texture of a traditional biscuit, they create a unique taste that’s both comforting and intriguing. It reminds me of the zest and diversity of flavors I enjoyed growing up, where fresh and exciting ingredients were always at the center of every meal.

Health Benefits

Ajwain is not only about flavor; it carries several health benefits that make these biscuits a guilt-free indulgence. These tiny seeds are known for their digestive properties and are often used to relieve indigestion and bloating. They also possess anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial qualities, ensuring that you’re getting a nutritious boost along with a burst of flavor. Pairing this with the moderate use of unsalted butter and yogurt, this recipe aligns perfectly with a health-conscious diet without compromising on taste.

This recipe pairs well with a variety of dishes. Try serving these biscuits alongside a hearty bowl of soup or a fresh garden salad for a well-rounded meal. They also make a fantastic addition to a cheese platter, adding an exotic touch to your spread. For those who appreciate a hint of something different, these biscuits share similarities with cumin crackers or even savory scones, thanks to their robust flavor profile.

If you’re looking to explore more about the benefits of ajwain seeds, you can find additional information on their uses and nutritional values on various health-focused websites such as Organic Facts and Healthline. This way, you not only enjoy a delicious treat but also stay informed about what makes it a beneficial addition to your diet.

Every bite of these savory biscuits takes me back to the sun-soaked kitchens of my upbringing, combining the best of healthy living and comforting flavors. Give Ajwain Biscuits: Savory biscuits with a powerful ajwain flavor a try, and see how they can bring a slice of West Coast goodness and a touch of exotic spice into your home.

What You’ll Need

  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon ajwain seeds
  • 1/4 cup unsalted butter, chilled and cubed
  • 1/4 cup plain yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons cold water (if needed)
  • 1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh parsley (optional)
ALLERGENS: Gluten, Dairy


Step One

Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Step Two

In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the all-purpose flour, salt, baking powder, and ajwain seeds until well combined.

Step Three

Add the chilled, cubed butter to the dry ingredients. Use a pastry cutter or your fingers to work the butter into the flour mixture until it resembles coarse crumbs.

Step Four

Stir in the plain yogurt and mix until the dough starts to come together. If the dough is too dry, add cold water, one tablespoon at a time, until a soft dough forms.

Step Five

(Optional) Fold in the finely chopped fresh parsley to the dough for added flavor and color.

Step Six

Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and roll it out to about 1/4-inch thickness. Use a biscuit cutter or a glass to cut out the biscuits and place them on the prepared baking sheet.

Step Seven

Bake in the preheated oven for 15-18 minutes, or until the biscuits are golden brown and cooked through.

Step Eight

Remove from the oven and let the biscuits cool on the baking sheet for a few minutes before transferring them to a wire rack to cool completely. Enjoy your Ajwain Biscuits!

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