Chocolate Covered Canistels

Prep: 20 mins Cook: 10 mins Difficulty: Easy Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
460 27g 15g 51g
sugars fibre protein salt
41g 6g 5g 0.4g

There’s a certain allure that’s hard to resist when it comes to our recipe of the day, Chocolate Covered Canistels. As a child, I would often find myself exploring the lush greeneries of Pacific Northwest, hunting for the region’s vastly diverse fruits. The memory of those days is resurrected each time I sink my teeth into the enchanting burst of flavor the canistels offer, enrobed beautifully in semi-sweet chocolate.

Just like the perfect sushi roll, a good Chocolate Covered Canistels recipe demands a balance of flavors, a dance between the sweet, mildly tangy canistel and the rich, semi-sweet chocolate. Much like in sushi-making, the quality of ingredients here is key, further adding to my fondness for this recipe.

The Magic of Canistels and Chocolate

Canistels are a fruit native to Mexico, similar to a persimmon in texture but with its unique slightly sweet, somewhat nutty flavor. Pairing this with chocolate might be unexpected but it’s a combination that works surprisingly well, almost like an exotic version of chocolate covered strawberries. The sweet, creamy inside with a rich, crunchy outside—it’s an epicurean paradise!

Canistels, beyond their flavor, also boast a host of health benefits. They are high in dietary fiber, vitamin C, and carotenoids, making them a perfect guilt-free treat. When combined with the antioxidants of dark chocolate, this dessert becomes a healthy indulgence.

A Recipe for Every Occasion

Take it from me, our Chocolate Covered Canistels is a versatile dish that fits into any meal plan. A quick snack in the afternoon, an elegant dessert for your dinner party, or paired with a cheese platter for an evening soiree—it rarely fails to impress. It’s a great alternative to the usual fruit and chocolate combo—think chocolate dipped bananas or strawberries—and adds a unique touch to your presentation.

I strongly recommend trying out the Chocolate Covered Canistels with a dust of sea salt or powdered sugar. It provides a nice counterbalance to the sweetness and adds more complexity to the flavor. Given my heritage, I can’t help but imagine these delights paired with a calming cup of matcha tea. It’s like a poetic blend of my two worlds—Japan and the Pacific Northwest—united in one bite.

So, ready to take a culinary adventure? Our Chocolate Covered Canistels recipe awaits you here.

What You’ll Need

  • 12 ripe canistels
  • 2 cups of semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup of powdered sugar (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon of sea salt (optional)
ALLERGENS: Canistels, semi-sweet chocolate chips, coconut oil


Step One

Begin by washing your canistels thoroughly. Once cleaned, peel the skin off each fruit carefully and remove the seeds inside. If the canistels are too hard to peel, you may soften them by wrapping them in brown paper for a couple of days until they ripen.

Step Two

Next, prepare your chocolate. Pour the chocolate chips and coconut oil in a microwave-safe bowl. Heat in the microwave, stirring every 30 seconds, until smooth and melted. Ensure you don’t burn the chocolate.

Step Three

Once your chocolate is prepared, dip each canistel into the chocolate, making sure each piece is coated evenly. If desired, you can insert a toothpick into each canistel to make them easier to handle. Allow any excess chocolate to drip off.

Step Four

After all the canistels are coated in chocolate, place them on a tray lined with parchment paper. If you want, you can sprinkle some sea salt and powdered sugar on top of the chocolate while it is still wet. The salt and sugar will provide a fantastic sweet-salty contrast.

Step Five

Finally, allow the chocolate to set. You can do this by placing your tray of canistels in the refrigerator for around 20 – 30 minutes or until the chocolate hardens. Once the chocolate has set, your chocolate covered canistels are ready to eat!

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