Spicy Vegan Soy Protein Ribs

Prep: 20 mins Cook: 40 mins Difficulty: Medium Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
450 15g 3g 50g
sugars fibre protein salt
10g 7g 30g 1.8g

Why I Love South Korean Spicy Vegan Soy Protein Ribs

For my rendition of the captivating South Korean favorite, the Spicy Vegan Soy Protein Ribs, I’ve strings of heartwarming memories attached. Yes, my grandparents hailed from the Emerald Isle, and seafood from the New England coast plates up most of our dining table; but through my extensive culinary adventures and craft honing, my palate also fell in love with the bold, vibrant flavors of international cuisines. This plant-based delicacy holds a unique position in my recipe repertoire, not only for its savory, fiery profile, but its charm lies in a creative fusion of cultures- where my Irish roots have embraced the love for Asian gastronomy!

A Boon For Vegan Barbecue Lovers

As a tribute to the rich barbecuing culture of my Boston home, the Spicy Vegan Soy Protein Ribs score high on my list. It’s an inclusive dish that allows my vegan friends and family to join in on the joy of a hearty BBQ. My beloved Laura, a professed fan of anything spicy and vegan, would undoubtedly press me to mention that. This dish takes on a South Korean twist and goes vibrant with Gochujang, a piquant chili paste that has the ability to transform any dish into a culinary masterpiece.

The Fusion of Tradition and Innovation

Irish cuisine would heartily approve of this Korean BBQ vegan rib recipe. Back in the day, my grandparents relied on restricted pantry staples, but they believed in making the most of what they had. So when I chanced upon the Vegan Ribs recipe by the Korean chef Maangchi, it immediately felt like a kindred spirit. She paved the way for me to incorporate a traditional Korean flavor profile using modern vegan ingredients, all without compromising on taste.

The medley of Korean Chilli Paste (Gochujang), Soy Sauce, Rice Vinegar, Sesame Oil, minced garlic, a handful of brown sugar, finely chopped onions, Korean Chilli Flakes (Gochugaru), green onions, minced ginger, and the humble dash of water, come together to wrap Vegan Soy Protein Ribs in a beautiful canvas of flavors. And that final sprinkle of sesame seeds, the icing on the cake, or should I say, the garnish on the rib!

And to all who hesitate to try their hand at international recipes, remember, food is a language that transcends borders. So from my kitchen to yours, I encourage you to experience the vibrant flavor journey that this Spicy Vegan Soy Protein Ribs recipe has to offer. After all, good food has the power to transport you, help you discover new cultures, or in my case, bridge the gap between my Boston home and our Irish heritage.

What You’ll Need


  • 3 cups Vegan Soy Protein Ribs
  • 2 cups Korean Chilli Paste, Gochujang
  • 1 cup Soy Sauce
  • 1/4 cup Rice Vinegar
  • 2 tbsp Sesame Oil
  • 5 cloves Garlic, minced
  • 1/2 cup Brown Sugar
  • 1/2 cup Onion, finely chopped
  • 1/2 cup Korean Chilli Flakes, Gochugaru
  • 2 Green Onions, sliced
  • 2 tbsp Ginger, minced
  • 1/2 cup Water
  • Sesame seeds, for garnish




Step One

Prepare the vegan soy protein ribs according to package instructions; set aside.

Step Two

In a mixing bowl, combine the Korean chilli paste Gochujang, soy sauce, rice vinegar and sesame oil. Mix until well combined.

Step Three

Add in the minced garlic, brown sugar, finely chopped onion, Korean chilli flakes Gochugaru, minced ginger and water to the bowl. Stir well to combine all ingredients into a sauce.

Step Four

Pour the prepared sauce over the vegan soy protein ribs, ensuring each piece is well coated. Let them marinate in the sauce for at least 30 minutes. If you have time, letting them marinate overnight in the fridge will give a stronger flavor.

Step Five

Preheat your grill or oven. Cook the marinated vegan ribs until they are nicely charred and the sauce has caramelized.

Step Six

Garnish the vegan ribs with sliced green onions and sesame seeds.

Step Seven

Enjoy the spicy vegan soy protein ribs with your favorite side dishes or over a bowl of warm rice for a satisfying meal.

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